Definition of Quality of Life

Nov 09, 2022 By Susan Kelly

When people talk about their quality of life, they are referring to their feelings about where they are. It encompasses the individual's aspirations, expectations, and worries, in addition to their judgment of their overall well-being. A person's life quality is determined by several aspects, including how happy they are in their jobs, how wealthy they are, how much money they make, and how much free time they have.

Quality of Life in Relation to Money

The state of one's finances is tied to the quality of life in several important ways. Maintaining one's financial stability is one factor predictive of high quality of life; nevertheless, other experts have emphasized the need to strike a healthy balance between one's professional and recreational pursuits. People who work long hours or many jobs often have less free time to enjoy their earnings via experiences with friends and family, hobbies, and vacations. This is because working long hours or several jobs take up a lot of time.

The circumstances under which one works are another factor that might influence one's quality of life. Some occupations, for instance, may expose employees to potentially dangerous elements, such as chemicals or equipment. In contrast, others may need lengthy absences from home or shifts in work schedules according to the changing seasons.

Every person will need to evaluate these difficulties in light of the potential rewards that can come along with them, such as a larger income, the chance to travel more, more vacation time, or a greater sense of work satisfaction. When a household's income is not adequate to cover essentials such as a secure place to live, nutritious food, and child care, families are forced to contemplate challenging trade-offs that may impact the quality of life they lead.

On the other hand, having access to facilities that may contribute to a greater quality of life, such as having a membership at a gym or receiving counseling for health concerns, can be made possible by having a higher salary. People with a higher income can also afford to live in safer communities and have an easier time obtaining medical treatment for themselves and their families.

Factors That Affect Quality of Life

Commute Length and Type

Your quality of life may be significantly altered depending on how far you travel to and from work each day. Long journeys that are difficult to navigate, particularly when they include waiting in traffic, are stressful and may have an adverse effect on job performance. According to the findings of certain studies, the strain of having to endure a long commute might even exceed the advantages of living in a beautiful area.

Free Time

When work takes up too much of your time, it leaves less room in your schedule for spending time with your family and participating in activities that provide pleasure, satisfaction, and relaxation. Overworking oneself may result in various negative health effects, including stress, exhaustion, obesity, depression, and sleeplessness. These bodily disorders have the potential to diminish your overall quality of life.


Adults questioned for the Stress in America study conducted by the American Psychological Association named work the most stressful aspect of their lives. At the same time, job stability also ranked in the top 10 sources of stress. Research has demonstrated that a person's quality of life may be negatively impacted by losing a job, even after finding new employment.

According to the findings of one research, people's levels of life satisfaction did not entirely return to the levels they had before they lost their employment, even if they started to feel more content with their lives as they were acclimated to their new positions.

Housing Quality

Some evidence links living circumstances to the overall quality of life. It may be detrimental to a person's mental and physical health to be uprooted often, to reside in inadequate housing, or to be pushed into homelessness. Leaks, inadequate ventilation, unstable infrastructure, and other forms of deterioration may jeopardize people's health and safety, which also contributes to a worse overall quality of life. Those who have access to both safe and secure housing and richer and generally more desirable communities are more likely to have access to amenities that may enhance their quality of life.

How To Improve Quality of Life

How you may improve the quality of your life going forward will be determined by where you are now. Someone whose primary focus may be finding a better way to balance their job and personal lives will confront different difficulties and chances than someone battling with concerns related to their health or finances.

In addition, research has shown that effective financial management practices, such as cash management, saving, and investing, may be associated with a higher level of overall life satisfaction. A successful relationship between couples may also benefit from strong financial literacy.

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